As the Eclipse Foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary, its annual developer conference is reborn under a new name: Open Community Experience (OCX). With the new name come a new city (Mainz, Germany), and a fresh new concept for the event. One thing that does not change is the focus on the various developer communities that make the broader Eclipse ecosystem. Naturally, Java and Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) will have a prominent place. That’s why they get their own co-located events in Open Community for Java and Open Community for Automotive . But the organisers remembered the embedded and IoT community. We are getting our own track inside the main OCX event! Here are three Embedded and IoT topics I expect (and hope) will take a lot of place in the track’s program: 1. Sparkplug and the Unified Namespace (UNS) Since it became an international standard in 2023, Sparkplug continued to advance. Our recent white paper on the business value of Sparkplug shows how this Eclipse open
The personal blog of Frédéric Desbiens, a.k.a @BlueberryCoder. All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any organization I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.